Address And Interaction With The School Children And Self Help Groups At Sri Sadguru Seva Sangh Trust, Chitrakoot
Self-Help group a boon to rural economy
Self-Help group a boon to rural economy
I am very happy to be in the midst of the people belonging to the village Patni. I understand that the people of the village are very keen to improve the conditions of the village through their own efforts. You have raised yourselves above the poverty line through your own collective efforts. I consider that this model can be replicated across the nation. I am delighted, you have indeed beautiful guidance.
Nothing is Impossible
I am indeed delighted to interact with the students of Allahabad District. My Greetings to the Head Masters, teachers, parents and students.
My message
Dear Children, you are all in the mission of learning. What learning will give?
"When learning is purposeful, creativity blossoms.
When the creativity blossoms, thinking emanates.
When thinking emanates, knowledge is fully lit.
When knowledge is lit, the society is enriched."
Police a partner in Developed India Mission
Media for Billion people
I am delighted to inaugurate the e-Governance Portal at Rashtrapati Bhavan. I would like to discuss about "Citizen Centric e-Governance: Technology and Management Policy".
His Holiness Acharya Mahaprajnaji and Members of the FUREC apex body,
Our Mission: Vision for All
National Development:Police a Partner
I am very happy to be in the midst of the people belonging to the village Dadh-Budruk. I understand that the people of the village through their own efforts have increased the agricultural production through the use of advanced agricultural technology. You have raised yourselves above the poverty line through your own collective efforts. I consider that this model can be replicated across the nation. After looking at your achievements, I am convinced that our nation with a strong, vibrant and billion plus population can contribute to realize these elements.